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Burgas 8000, 4, Baba Ganka Sqr., fl. 4

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Announcement by DHC Toplofikaciya Burgas

Announcement of a proposal for prices of the heat energy for the next regulatory period commencing on July, 1st, 2012

Concerning the requirements of Art. 29 of the Ordinance for regulation of the prices of thermal energy (adopted with Decree № 131 of June, 16th,2004, Promulgated in the Official Gazette, issue 55 of June, 25th, 2004, amended in the Official Gazette, issue 61 of July, 27th, 2007, amended  in the Official Gazette, issue 105 of December, 09th, 2008), pursuant to Decision by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission № Ц-044 of December, 28th, 2011, and because of expiry of the two-year regulatory period (July, 1st, 2010 - June, 30th, 2012), DHC Toplofikaciya Burgas JSC announces that it will submit a proposal to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission for keeping the prices of heat energy in the next regulatory period starting on July, 1st, 2012, at fuel prices to the first quarter of 2012

February, 26th, 2012

Valyo Duchev
Executive Director
DHC "Toplofikaciya Burgas" JSC
Image Advertising, Burgas 8000, 4, Baba Ganka Sqr., fl. 4, phone +359(56) 896480,  E-mail