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phone +359(56) 896480
Burgas 8000, 4, Baba Ganka Sqr., fl. 4

Language: български  Deutsch  

Lider - Burgas Political Party honored the memory of the Apostle

Lider - Burgas Political Party honored the memory of the Apostle. At the memorial ceremony marking the 139th anniversary of the death of Vasil Levski activists of the party laid a wreath before the bust - monument of the most loved Bulgarian national hero. To the many citizens of Burgas, come to worship before the feat of the Apostle, they gave the Bulgarian tricolor flags. Dozens themselves wished to receive a flag and thus demonstrated their appreciation to the man who gave his life to the cause of liberation of our country.

On the eve of the National Holiday Leader - Burgas launched an initiative with which to revive in the people the pursuit of the Apostle of "pure and holy republic" and to leave alive the memory of his last words: "Pray, Father, not for me but for my mother country Bulgaria ".

Image Advertising, Burgas 8000, 4, Baba Ganka Sqr., fl. 4, phone +359(56) 896480,  E-mail